Monday, July 21, 2014

Random Pattern Find - Flowers!

So, this week's RPF are flowers! Three flower total but only using TWO patterns and ONE technique. Cool huh? Over at My Hobby is Crochet, you'll find all sorts of beautiful patterns but these two flower patterns stood out to me the most. I'll explain why I have three different flowers with just two patterns below :) 

Firt we have this flower: 

You can find it's pattern HERE. This beautiful flower is simple, works up within five minutes and can go on all sorts of things! First, you can make the hole in the middle just a bit larger and use it for an interchangeable flower beanie! Second, you can put it on headbands. Third, you can put it on hair clips. Fourth, you can just make it because you like flowers :p 

Next we have this flower which can be found HERE. It's the same as the next flower with a few changes. First, I didn't make the second set of petals, I stopped after one set of petals. Second, I didn't flip them inside out like the directions call for. It's a simple 5-petal flower and it looks beautiful! Then if you want a more complex pattern, follow the same pattern for this one (but actually follow it all the way) and you will end up with: 

Flower are always a fun project to make because they work up quick and can be used in so many different ways and on so many different things! 

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