In honor of working on my own back to school set, I thought this was the perfect Friday to do a back to school round up so you guys have tons of options!
This darling little backpack is perfect for any teenage girl! It's decorative with a sophisticated look. It's also small for those days where you just don't need a whole lot!
Over at Petals to Picots we have a couple of darling patterns that are free! First we have this stripped pencil case... and then she ups the antics by doing this next case:
I'm certain I have some Despicable Me fans around here somewhere... well at least some fans who have kids who are fans haha.
This pattern is absolutely delightful and a must for kids going to school. With all the germs floating around in schools, this could truly make a difference, and it's stylish! (For the boys, just use some camo colors and you're still good to go!)
There are a couple of things I love about this freebie. First, it's adorable and has a classy "old timey" feel to it. Second, it's adorable and can function as a key chain. Third, it's adorable and is the perfect way to make sure you don't lose your chapstick. ;)
This free Ravelry download is darling. It has a spunky look to it! It also is adorble, functions as a key chain and is a great way to not lose your chapstick but it brings something different to the table. It SCREAMS teenager girl and I love that about it.
This backpack is so colorful. I can envision myself making it and sending my daughter off to school in it for the very first time. I can also picture sending her to school in it as a teen... Okay, now I can't. Because the thought of my darling little baby girl ever becoming a teenager frightens me... so I can't. ;)
This bag reminded me of myself as a high school student. I hated backpacks and often opted for a large tote/book bag. I would have loved taking this to school!
I must encourage bad behavior with this post... a cell phone case so your kiddo has a soft place to put their phone while at school. While schools don't like phones, I find them important and would like my child to be able to get a hold of me or me them if the need were to arise. This little case gives you the advantage of being able to keep your phone on with the volume on vibrate and the soft case will smother the vibrations! hehe
To end this round up (to soon, I know) I bring you this awesome find... an iPod armband carrier thingy lol. It is wonderful! Easy to customize to whatever size of iPod or mp3 player you have and it can be safely secured to your arm, a backpack or anything else you want it on!
Also released this week:
Click HERE for pattern.
Click HERE for pattern.
Loving the Despicable pencil holder as I know a few children who would like this! :)