Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mommy & Me Woven Purse Set

(More photos at bottom) 

Hook: H
Material: Red Heart Super Saver & Velcro
Gauge: 3 rows = 1”

Hints & Tips
-          With an exception to the ch 3 in round one, the ch at the start of each round will not count as a stitch
-          You will never put a fpdc in a fpdc or a bpdc in a bpdc with an exception to round 5 – otherwise, they should always alternate.
-          For the strap, to make the stitches even I placed 1 sc in every row that started with a ch 1, and 2 sc with every row that ended with a dc (they alternate and it provides an even look).

-          Ch – chain
-          Sc – single crochet
-          Dc – double crochet
-          St – stitch
-          Fpdc – front post double crochet
-          Bpdc – back post double crochet

Kid size:

With color A
Round 1) Ch 22, 5 dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next 17 ch, 6 dc in last ch, dc in last 17 ch, join to first dc (it will be a ch 3) with sl st – 46 dc

Round 2) Ch 1, 2 fpdc  around next 6 st, fpdc in next 17 st, 2 fpdc in next 6 st, fpdc in last 17 st, join to first dc with sl st – 58 fpdc

Round 3) Ch 1, bpdc around every st, join to first bpdc with sl st – 58 bpdc

Round 4) Ch 1, fpdc around every st, join to first fpdc with sl t – 58 fpdc

Round 5) Ch 1, *fpdc around next st, bpdc around next st* in every st around, join to first dc with sl st – 58 dc

Round 6) Ch 1, *bpdc around next st, fpdc around next st* in every st around, join to first dc with sl st – 58 dc

Round 7 – 8) Repeat rounds 5 – 6 , change to color B at end of round 8

Round 9) Ch 1, *2 fpdc around next bpdc, skip fpdc* repeat around, join to first fpdc with sl st, change back to color A – 58 dc

Round 10) Ch 1, dc in every st around, join to first dc with sl st – 58 dc

Round 11 - 12) Repeat round 5 – 6, change to color B at end of round 6 – 58 dc

Round 13) Repeat round 9

Round 14 – 16) Repeat rounds 10 – 12  

Round 17 – 18) Repeat rounds 5 – 6, tie off at end of round 6

Face the back of the purse (where the seam is) towards you, go to the right side of the purse where it creases. You will see that the fold takes up three stitches. You will use these three stitches plus one stitch on either side of them for a total of 5 stitches. With color A, join in the farthest stitch from the back (the first stitch will curve towards the front of the purse).

Row 1) Ch 1, dc in same st as joining, dc in next 4 st

Row 2) Ch 1, dc in first st, fpdc in next st, bpdc in next st, fpdc in next st, dc in last st

Row 3) Ch 1, turn, dc in first st, bpdc in next st, fpdc in next st, bpdc in next st, dc in last st

Row 4 – desired length) Repeat rows 2 – 3  

Join on right side of purse with the seam facing you (so on the same side you started the strap) with a sl st in the last st of the strap.

Row 1) Ch 1, dc in every st across to first st of the other side of the strap – 25 dc

Row 2) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in first 2 st, *fpdc around next st, bpdc around next st* to last 2 st, dc dec in last 2 st – 23 dc

Row 3) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in first 2 st, * bpdc in around st, fpdc around next st* to last 2 st, dc dec in last 2 st – 21 dc

Row 4-11) Repeat row 2 & 3 – 19 dc, 17 dc, 15 dc, 13 dc, 11 dc, 9 dc, 7 dc, 5 dc ,

Row 12) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in first 2 st, fpdc in next st, dc dec in last 2 st – 3 dc

Row 13) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in all 3 st, tie off – 1 dc

Edging: Join in back of purse with ch 1, sc in every st around opening of purse and flap – ch 3 behind strap to cut across and get the edging around the opening
Join at bottom of strap, ch 1, sc in every st along strap and then repeat on other side.

Velcro: Cut a small piece of Velcro and glue it between the two lines on purse and to the tip of the flap so it will stay in place.

Mommy size:
With color A

Round 1) Ch 32, 5 dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next 27 ch, 6 dc in last ch, dc in last 27 ch, join to first dc (it will be a ch 3) with sl st – 66 dc

Round 2) Ch 1, 2 fpdc  around next 6 st, fpdc in next 27 st, 2 fpdc in next 6 st, fpdc in last 27 st, join to first dc with sl st – 78 fpdc

Round 3) Ch 1, bpdc around every st, join to first bpdc with sl st – 78 bpdc

Round 4) Ch 1, fpdc around every st, join to first fpdc with sl t – 78 fpdc

Round 5) Ch 1, *fpdc around next st, bpdc around next st* in every st around, join to first dc with sl st – 78 dc

Round 6) Ch 1, *bpdc around next st, fpdc around next st* in every st around, join to first dc with sl st – 78 dc

Round 7 – 10) Repeat rounds 5 – 6 , change to color B at end of round 10

Round 11) Ch 1, *2 fpdc around next bpdc, skip fpdc* repeat around, join to first fpdc with sl st – 78 dc

Round 12) Ch 1, *2 fpdc around first dc, skip next dc* around, change to color A, join to first dc with sl st – 78 dc

Round 13) Ch 1, dc in every st around, join to first dc with sl st – 78 dc

Round 14 - 18) Repeat round 5 – 6, change to color B at end of round 18 – 78 dc

Round 19-20) Repeat round 11 - 12

Round 19 – 24) Repeat rounds 13 – 18   

Face the back of the purse (where the seam is) towards you, go to the right side of the purse where it creases. You will see that the fold takes up three stitches. You will use these three stitches plus one stitch on either side of them for a total of 5 stitches. With color A, join in the farthest stitch from the back (the first stitch will curve towards the front of the purse).

Row 1) Ch 1, dc in same st as joining, dc in next 4 st

Row 2) Ch 1, dc in first st, fpdc in next st, bpdc in next st, fpdc in next st, dc in last st

Row 3) Ch 1, turn, dc in first st, bpdc in next st, fpdc in next st, bpdc in next st, dc in last st

Row 4 – desired length) Repeat rows 2 – 3 

Join on right side of purse with the seam facing you (so on the same side you started the strap) with a sl st in the last st of the strap.

Row 1) Ch 1, dc in every st across to first st of the other side of the strap – 35 dc

Row 2) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in first 2 st, *fpdc around next st, bpdc around next st* to last 2 st, dc dec in last 2 st – 33 dc

Row 3) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in first 2 st, * bpdc in around st, fpdc around next st* to last 2 st, dc dec in last 2 st – 31 dc

Row 4-18) Repeat row 2 & 3 –  until you have just 1 dc left

Row 19) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in first 2 st, fpdc in next st, dc dec in last 2 st – 3 dc

Row 20) Ch 1, turn, dc dec in all 3 st, tie off – 1 dc

Edging: Join in back of purse with ch 1, sc in every st around opening of purse and flap – ch 3 behind strap to cut across and get the edging around the opening
Join at bottom of strap, ch 1, sc in every st along strap and then repeat on other side.

Velcro: Cut a small piece of Velcro and glue it between the two lines on purse and to the tip of the flap so it will stay in place. 


  1. These are simply lovely, TY for the free pattern!! Cat

  2. You are welcome! Glad you like them. :)

  3. I think they are precious. what a duet & the different stich makes it even better. Thank you.

  4. I am not seeing the finished measurements. Would you please provide them?

    1. I didn't measure the finished project, just the stitches for the gauge so I don't have the exact measurement. The smaller one is going to be around 6 inches wide and the larger one is going to be about 8 inches wide. Hope this helps :)
